To know Protective equipment and their rating . application of different power devices . Advance FACTS devices
serving to free food to lower income people which are collected from restaurant/Hostels as wastage.
understand Robotics and Control System aspect of ROBOTS
Implemented complete FPGA flow using open-source tools like OpenFPGA having Basys3 board. Counter simulation and Elaboration, Synthesis, constraint, Counter implementation, VIO implementation VTR and VPR flows, Post-synthesis, Timing, Power analysis. RISC-V core programming using Vivado, RTL to synthesize up to bitstream generation. SOFA FPGA Fabric implementation andRISC-V core on custom SOFA fabric Link-
Design and characterize your own standard cell. Have a hands-on in the Physical Design domain. Generate a full GDSII from a RTL netlist. Link-
Created a unique User Interface(UI) AbhiSynth that takes RTL netlist & SDC constraints as inputs. Generate synthesized netlist and Pre-layout timing report as an output. It use Yosys Open source tool for synthesis and Opentimer to generate pre-layout timing reports Link-
high power applications driving induction and synchronous motors.
Using IOT , Embedded System, ESP Module , Stepper model , FPGAs ,MIcrocontrollers and cloud system , modern application of irrigation is implemented.
Speed Control of Motors using Sinusoidal Pulse With modulation JTAC, Timer, ePWM, Communication Protocols and other Peripherals Interface.
Using TI-28379 Development Board, Testing of SiC based Converter using Double Pulse Test
Architectural/ RTL Design to Logical Synthesis further post-synthesis STA till Floorplanning, till Placement, CTS , Routing using OpenSource TOOLS Link -
Active switch HVG with Reducing Voltage and current stress on switches with fewer components Converter support bidirectional operation with wide duty ratio variation. voltage and current control operation in closed loop
Assistant professor, IIT-Roorkee